View from a porch.

Sunday Morning is a time for reflection, a renewal of this morning's awareness.
It is dark out but I know that the morning sunrise with lighten my day.

I hope that the sunshine's in your morning view and
if you see clouds let them bring water or snow to replenish the earth.
Have a nice day and let someone send you a foolish pun that will brighten your day.
This is a page of support for Pam and all she has done for us.
If you would like you to sign this page, just say so and I'll post your name to this page.


Gollum is learning the meaning of ....

September 10, 2001
September 11-16, 2001 bongoSeptember     23, 2001
 October 11, 2001 bongaOctober 16, 2001
October 18, 2001 bongaOctober 22, 2001
October 28, 2001 bongaOctober 31, 2001
November 02, 2001 bongaNovember 04, 2001
November 08, 2001 bongaNovember 10, 2001
November 12, 2001 bongaNovember 13, 2001
November 13, 2001 bongaNovember 17, 2001

These are Pam's Links to some of her writings.
"Morningstar Chronicles" By Pam Hanna Read
   Pam Read's Experiences at Morningstar California
       Pam Read's Experiences at Morningstar New Mexico
The Next Morning Star New Mexico Installment

Other links to her wonderful writings.
Pam Hanna : link to "The Last Time I Saw Ginsberg"
or look up  THE JACK MORMON  by Pam Hanna

Pam Hanna's Public Reviews

Morningstar Scrapbook

          Old photos, old newspaper articles collected by the friends of Morningstar,
          a continuation of these pages old and new photos, then and now.

Words & Graphics by Tomas