I am five or six and I am living with my mother's mother, my grandmother.
She has long gray gold Indian hair that falls down her back.
She sits in front of the mirror and brushes her hair.
Her braids are long and she rolls them up into a bun, where they stay
with pins.
She speaks only Spanish; she opens the watchtower and shows me the
The utopia where I see the pictures of the lions and the lambs living
together in the garden.
She and I travel by train from Pasadena into Los Angeles to see relatives
and go to her revivals.
They speak only Spanish at these revivals; there are only tents, tents
and more tents.
I can travel about freely I am looking into large tents, it reminds
me of a circus,
I know nothing of what is going on, they are speaking in Spanish.
My grandmother is comfortable to be around.
She is a peaceful woman, she is my ideal, and I sit and watch as she
brushes her long hair,
she has influenced my life, and she speaks only Spanish.
I spoke only English because that is what I was taught to speak, everyone
in this
household spoke only English to me except my grandmother, and she only
spoke Spanish.
These are early memories of the garden this is a nice place to be.
July 15,
2001 bongaJuly 17, 2001
July 19,
2001 bongaJuly 19, 2001
July 20,
2001 bongaJuly 21, 2001
July 22, 2001
bongaJuly 24, 2001
25, 2001 bongaJuly 26, 2001
July 26,
2001 bongaJuly 28, 2001
July 28,
2001 bongaJuly 31, 2001
August 03,
2001 bongaAugust 05, 2001
08, 2001 bongaAugust 11, 2001
Natasha Mercedes
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.Words & Graphics by