Leadership in Decay
Must I hate or kill to achieve peace?
The warriors in Iraq and the U.S. government
consensus apparently think so.
Well I could probably take the word “hate” out
of the sentence and it would be true.
In other parts of the world I could leave both
words in.
We seem to have bypassed the love our mothers
gave us and just jumped into hand-to-hand combat to kill.
I thought the world had left the world of force
for peace a long time ago.
The way the world is thinking now sweeping the
enemy out of existence is becoming a reality.
The United Nations had a way of using their influence
to persuade a nation to catch a ring for peace and prosperity.
Social pressure was working fine.
In the end we will realize that the U.N. was right
all along.
The only way that the bully tactic will work
is to eliminate the enemy.
Who are the countries that have declared war?
What religions have declared war?
Moslems and Christians.
The leadership in both religions is in decay.
They are both using the bully pulpit to force
thought into their young men and women.
There is no compromise.
The U.N. was the compromise.
Leadership in Decay
Gollum is learning the meaning of ....